[Unity][Heap sort]用Unity动态演示堆排序的过程
How Heap Sort Works
I've made this app to show how heap sort works recently.
A picture paints a thousand words.
堆排序(Heap Sort)
Step 1: The first step of heap sort is to build a binary tree in which the parent node's value is always greater than its children nodes' value.
It's called building the heap.
Step 2: Ater that, we swap the root node and the last node that hasn't been swapped yet.
Step 3: build the heap again like in step 1.
Step 4: if not all nodes are swapped in Step 2, goto Step2. Otherwise goto step 5.
Step 5: the heap sort is finished.
1 private static void HeapSortAscending1(this IList arr) 2 where T : IComparable 3 { 4 for (int i = arr.Count / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) 5 { 6 arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(i, arr.Count); 7 } 8 for (int i = arr.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) 9 {10 T temp = arr[0];11 arr[0] = arr[i];12 arr[i] = temp;13 arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(0, i);14 }15 }16 private static void HeapAdjustAscending1 (this IList arr, int nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted, int unRangedCount)17 where T:IComparable18 {19 int leftChild = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted * 2 + 1;20 int rightChild = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted * 2 + 2;21 int max = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted;22 if (nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted < unRangedCount / 2) // 是非叶节点(None leaf node)23 {24 if (leftChild < unRangedCount && arr[leftChild].CompareTo(arr[max]) > 0)25 { max = leftChild; }26 if (rightChild < unRangedCount && arr[rightChild].CompareTo(arr[max]) > 0)27 { max = rightChild; }28 if (max!=nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted)29 {30 T temp = arr[max];31 arr[max] = arr[nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted];32 arr[nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted] = temp;33 arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(max, unRangedCount);34 }35 }36 }
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增加了'Random array'按钮,用于自动生成15个随机数,方便使用新case。
Added 'Random array' button which generates 15 random numbers as a new test case.
display index for line nodes.
add background colors for line nodes.